Toowheels is a technical and cheap answer to problems of people with disability. It’s a sport wheelchair redesigned to be very easy to produce using CNC machines, and can also be self-constructible using simple do-it-yourself tools and materials, or FabLab technologies. It was one of the 30 best projects at the Global FabLab Award 2014 and also selected in the ADI design index 2014.Toowheels has a different technical approach in frame and production system, and ethics, that make the wheelchair easy to make. This solution is carried to the extreme with the possibility to have a self assembling chair or a completely self made one. The chair project was developed in collaboration with athletes and biomedical experts at FabLab Torino, and is tested by professional basket players.Toowheels is an answer to the hight price of the sport wheelchairs: usually people or association involved in adaptive sport have difficulty in buying and practicing activities, especially at beginners and amateurs levels. This is one of the most important problems that slow the spread of sport-therapy.
Fab Lab Connect has provided a grant for this project to be replicated in Fab Labs.
If you’re interested in replicating this project in your Fab Lab, please register here: Fab Lab for Project Replication