#Fab13 Workshop discusses Education – Fab Labs are State-of-the-art educational models and experiences!
Fab Labs are learning environments, in which anyone can manufacture (almost) anything. They are educational models. Empowering people through objects they need is achieved thanks to learning methods based on projects that are transferrable to children, students, professionals, entrepreneurs, senior citizens and those people without formal education.
Lucia Acurio
ASESORA en Ministerio de Educación del Perú – Minedu
An economist with Master in Economies from Catolica University. Professional with
extensive experience in management entities for purposes of educational innovation
and educational quality management; research on topics related to the impact of
technology and innovation in education and citizenship, twelve years of experience in
the development of vocational training projects, research; creating solutions for the
diagnosis, design, implementation and training with innovative methodologies,
accompanied by international certification programs in ICT skills of teachers, students;
methodologies and solutions for the acquisition of communicative competence of
English; Five years of dedication to consulting for defining quality standards in the
integration of ICT, English leveling for students and teachers; and advice to building
models of educational quality and learning achievement.
Ilaria La Manna
Gabriela Navarro
Gabriela is a Social Worker, with a master in Educational Policies from Alberto Hurtado University. She has worked for over 15 years in higher education, in Chilean Institutions such as Technical University Federico Santa María, University of Valparaíso, and Alberto Hurtado University, among others. She has specialized in educational management…
Elisa Panero
Magister en Docencia Universitaria en Universidad Tecnológica Nacional (UTNFRC) y Licenciada en Recursos Humanos en Instituto Universitario Aeronáutico.
Actualmente cumple funciones como Directora de Innova Educa 21 de Universidad Siglo 21 (UE21); Profesora en Diplomatura en Innovación Educativa (UE21), Jefe de Trabajos Prácticos cátedra de Ingeniería y Sociedad – (UTN FRC) y Asesora especializada en Gestión de RRHH.
Cumplió funciones como: Secretaria Académica (UE21), Directora carrera Recursos Humanos (UE21), Subgerente de Planeamiento y Desarrollo de RRHH. Banco de Córdoba; Gerente de RRHH en Neverland Park.; Responsable RRHH en INTA; Responsable Área de RRHH en Easy.
Ulrike Wahl
Directora LATAM Fundación Siemens Sitftung