Fab Lab Connect is introducing Fab Replication Grants. You can win a US$1,000 cash grant to replicate your project in other Fab Labs. There are a total of 30 grants available.
This is a great opportunity to work with experts in the global community and show your commitment to mentoring others through the replication process.
What do you need to enter?
You’ll need a working prototype that you’re able to replicate in a Fab Lab, along with a Bill of Materials and documentation on your project.
How is your project replicated?
You’ll get to experience a replication process through the MIT Media Lab Construction approach: hands-on and project-based learning with a supportive team. This experience will also prepare you for further product development, market access, and new applications.
Projects are being replicated in the new Fab Lab Yachay, Ecuador and the new Fab Lab Corsica, France.
Fab Lab Connect is accepting project submissions now. Registration closes on March 31, 2015.
To register your project, sign up on our website: http://www.fablabconnect.com/register/
For more information on how to enter, visit our grants page: http://www.fablabconnect.com/award/