Desktop cleaning cabinet, Carbon activated filter, Fablabconnect
Keeping mold spores, bacteria and other nastiness out of your culture media is a constant fight for the cultivator. You could use a glove box with a pretty high rate of success, but anyone who wants to get serious about growing any culture about mushroom/Plant tissue needs to consider using a laminar flow bench. Having a clean stream of air to work in is way more comfortable and much easier to use than an awkward glove box. A properly constructed laminar flow bench can allow for ultra clean laboratory conditions even in a not so clean environment such as your kitchen or basement, greatly increasing chances of success for a home cultivator, which is run by using solar power energy.
This project is a mini version of Laminar flow with control heating chamber for sterilization cutting apparatus. Exiting laminar flow is making a big size and their used spirit lamp or gas burner along with ethanol. Sometimes it causes accident during work and that’s why this desktop size with microcontroller is made. the intention of this project is to reduce prize to retain the principal of the mechanism in desktop size.
- Carbon Activated Filter
- Temp Sensor (LM35) Control DC Heating Coil
- UV Germicidal Light (254 NM)
- 110 CFM DC Fan
This project is made by S M Anamul Arefin
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