Chandelier, RGB LED color, Existence Detection
The idea of this project is a smart Chandelier which is controlled by an IR remote or maybe a GUI to change the RGB LED’s colors as a piece of smart furniture. This project is a Chandlier called Chandella that detects your existence in the room that you’re below it and lights upon it and the variations of colors will be used for photography purposes. It is better for each and every home to practice art therapy on regular bases to maintain a healthy environment and a good mood. The input motion detection sensor will use the RGB variation of lights to make different colors that will be used for 2 things: Color Therapy and Portrait photography.
Electronics design and production
3D Printing
Networking and Programming
Vinyl Cutting
Providing any color
Parts that will be made:
- Input circuit to control the input device (IR Sensor)
- Control circuit to control the R G B lighting
- 3D printed PCB holder
- Vinyl Cutting to make the voltage (12V, GND) more neat for connections and to have the ability to add another device that could use 12V.
Mohammad Elsayyed has made this project
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