The #Fab13 Santiago de Chile schedule today includes a Conductive Clay Workshop for Educators. Conductive clay for kids and other accessible tool for electronic teaching is intended for Pre K, K and 1st years educators. The kids learn how to make conductive clay to make basic circuits for children to understand how electricity works. At this 1 day session, the educator makes conductive clay to build a basic circuit, using shapes and colors. Secondly, he/she explores some others possibilities to make other conductive modules, using the clay and recycled materials. The goal is to spread the word out about electronics and be able to build accessible tools for electronic education.
Workshop Tutor is Carolina Pino A., artist.
She takes digital technology as a discipline to develop work from a critic perspective. Using recycled materials, she combines physical computing and concepts like network, mobility, automatization to intervene public space. Her work field operates in areas such as wearables, educational interfaces and assistive technology located in the city and its relationship to its population.