According to the Fab Foundation, the number of Fab Labs worldwide presently is listed as 1,294. Fab14 Host Country France has a total of 159 Fab Labs! This number follows the USA with 179, and leads Italy which has 138 Fab Labs.
Take a look at some images of France’s spectrum of Fab Labs, participants and projects:
It is fitting that with so many Fab Labs across the country of France, this year, the FAB14+ conference events were spread out over multiple locations around France. Fab14 participants could travel from event to event and discover different parts of the beautiful country.
The Fab City Summit started off Fab14+ from July 11-13 in the capital city of Paris.
Fab Distributed on July 14th and 15th had 8 themes and locations across the country:
ECOLOGY in Auray
ECONOMY in Perpignan
EDUCATION in Bataville, Grand-Est
ENERGY in Clermont-Ferrand
MOBILITY in Le Puy-En-Velay
Finally, the 14th International Fab Lab Meeting is being held from July 16 to 22 in Toulouse in the south of France.
Each year, members of worldwide Fab Labs gather to share, discuss, collaborate and create communities around the different local and global interests regarding digital manufacturing, innovation, and technology. “Fabricating Resilience” is the central theme of this year’s Fab14+ throughout France.
Find Fab Labs listed by COUNTRY (in alphabetical order by name of Fab Lab or in alphabetical order by country on the right).
See Fab Labs worldwide on a MAP