For Mother’s Day this year, you could have given your mom a $30,000 3D printed model of ‘you’ if you cashed in on the viral Groupon offer. The idea was that you could give your mother the ever-lasting gift of your presence, or at least something to occupy your now-empty childhood bedroom. While this was a unique one-time promotion, making full-size custom mannequins is actually possible, and costs only a fraction of the hefty Groupon price tag. To prove this out Voodoo Manufacturing teamed up with NYC-based startup, Body Labs, to build an economical end-to-end pipeline for 3D Printed Life-Size Human Model in our Brooklyn 3D printing factory.
Body Labs makes highly-sophisticated software for interpreting human body shape and pose by translating raw 3D scans, or basic measurements, into 3D digital body models. In essence, they’ve built a way to take unprocessed 3D scans of people that may be noisy or incomplete, and turn them into fully semantic, clean models of your actual body shape. There are many applications for Body Labs’ technology beyond making 3D printed mannequins, such as predictive health tracking, advanced clothing design, mass product customization, virtual simulation, and more.